Tecnomac sokkoló kamrák

Tecnomac JuniorLev+2

The retarder prover cabinet Juniorlev are a useful and necessary instrument in workshops which produce proved/lievened product (pastries, bakeries and pizzerias)
Thanks to the great flexibility of employment, the temperature (from -18°C to +36°C) and humidity (from 65 to 95%), and the modern TECNOMAC programming and control system, it is possible to use this machinery as retarder-prover, prover room, defrosting room and refrigerated cabinet.

Kérdései vannak?

Keresse kereskedelmi képviselőinket:

Mokcsay Antal

Duna-Tisza köze, Tiszántúl, Budapest

Gudmon Krisztián

Dunántúl, Pest Vármegye

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